Donnerstag, 13. August 2015
Don't be less of a woman..
"Dear Woman,
sometimes you'll just be too much woman. Too smart, too beautiful, too strong, too much of something. That makes a man feel like less of a man, which will start making you feel like you have to be less of a woman.
The biggest mistake you can make is removing jewels from you crown to make it easier for a man to carry.
When this happens I need you to understand, you do not need a smaller crown - you need a man with bigger hands."

Diesen, in meinen Augen, wundervollen Text fand ich kürzlich bei honigbienchen von "It's hard to resist a bad boy who's a good man...♥" . Ich war Feuer und Flamme und sofort stand fest, dass ich ihn euch nicht vorenthalten möchte :)

Einen sonnigen ☼ Tag an all die wundervollen Mädels dadraußen und: "don't be less of a woman" ♥
